Year: 2024

Decision Stories, Misc

Find your perfect house

Reading Time: < 1 minute

I have made several previous attempts to make an app that help people to find their perfect house. In fact, my first data science project was to find a home that fit people’s needs. My first attempt was to find an apartment in New York City. There were so many people doing that. My top worry was about crime. As I moved out of NYC and into the suburbs of other states, school district became a more important factor. Doesn’t matter how I approach the problem, nothing beats seeing the pictures and actually visit the house. So here is my latest attempt to do that. Just a few simple filters to knock the choices down to a few. If you happen to use the app, drop a comment on how it worked for you.

Here is the link:


Cry early, or cry later

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Recently, I’m starting to send my son to day care. Inevitably, it takes a while for him to adjust and he cries when leaving the house. Just like my older son, he is smart enough to know that if he leave home at that time and with me, he is going to daycare.

And then I started to ask a question. Would he cry as much if he was sleep trained? In another words, is the total amount of crying the same for a child? Would being sleep trained harden him, and make this transition easier? I don’t know the answer to this question. And I cannot test it either since I can’t go back in time. Even if I can go back in time, my wife would never let me know sleep train because she needs to hear the crying. We are only okay with this because he will be in the car with me during drop off, and I’m the only one that will here him cry.

On a happier thought, I think it give a bonding moment because I have to go through this life changing event with him. And from what I heard, people bond during tough experiences, e.g. school, military, etc. I went through this with my older son. He wasn’t attached to me much when he was little, but as an older child, he is more attached to me than his mother. If this continue to hold, there is at least a purpose for me to go through this event with my younger son. Because I know we will bond over this. My purpose as a parent in life, is to make sure he can be on his own when he grows up. And I believe I’m taking the first step towards that.