Decision Stories – Learn Your Decisions

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This is a service that helps you make decisions. On this page, you will make decisions based on premade scenarios. The model will learn how you made decisions and make suggestions based on your specific profile. Please click the radio button after reading the story. You can only choose one. Then click “submit” to go to the next scenario. We suggest you go through at least 10 scenarios before moving on to the “make a decision” page. The more scenarios you go through, the more things the model will learn from how you make decisions. You will have 3 free credits to make decisions since the model is costly. Please leave a comment on this the introduction page if you need additional credits. I’m working on more funds.

Please choose the decision you like to make based on the story presented.

DISCLAIMER: Your decisions here will be collected to build the profile. The stories and decisions provide are based on a pre-made database. If you are not comfortable including a decision, simply stop using the service. You can also refresh the page to get another random story. Your data will not be used for any other purpose than providing this decision-making story. If you like to have a copy of your data, please contact the administrator.